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METEO Engadin St. Moritz

Powered by SRF Meteo
The weather forecast by Jürg Ackermann, SRF Meteo, for
Updated on 27.04.2024, 06:12 h
Morning 27.04. Afternoon 27.04.
Min -1° C / Max 4° C

Today sun and clouds mixed. Daytime temperatures up to 4 degrees.

Automated day forecast

Updated on 27.04.2024, 11:44 h

Sunshine: 2.8 h
Precipitation at night: 0.5 mm

14:00 3 3° C Sonnenschein 0.9 h Niederschlag 0 mm
17:00 3 3° C Sonnenschein 0.6 h Niederschlag 0 mm
20:00 3 2° C Sonnenschein 0.2 h Niederschlag 0 mm
The weather forecast by Jürg Ackermann, SRF Meteo, for
Sunday, 28.04.2024
Updated on 27.04.2024, 06:12 h
Morning 28.04. Afternoon 28.04.
Min 0° C / Max 8° C

Sunday morning changeable, showers of sleet at times. In the afternoon sun and clouds mixed. Early in the morning 0 deg, Maximum temperature 8 degrees.

Sunrise at Celerina (Center da Sport): 07:21 h
Sunset at Celerina (Center da Sport): 18:33 h

Automated day forecast

Updated on 27.04.2024, 11:44 h
Sunshine: 1.5 h
Precipitation at night: 0.1 mm
08:00 2° C Sonnenschein 0.1 h 0.3 mm
11:00 4° C Sonnenschein 0.3 h 0.2 mm
14:00 6° C Sonnenschein 0.3 h 0.1 mm
17:00 7° C Sonnenschein 0.6 h 0 mm
20:00 5° C Sonnenschein 0.3 h 0 mm

The weather forecast by Jürg Ackermann, SRF Meteo for the
next few days
Mo 29.04.
Min 0° C
Max 10° C
Tu 30.04.
Min 2° C
Max 11° C
We 01.05.
Min 2° C
Max 10° C
Th 02.05.
Min 2° C
Max 9° C
Fr 03.05.
Min 1° C
Max 8° C

Engadin forecast

On Monday and on Tuesday besides sunshine also some clouds. Daytime temperatures 11 deg C.

Engadin forecast for this week

On Wednesday some showers of rain. On Thursday cloudy with frequent rain. Maximum temperature 10 deg C.

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St. Moritz III St. Moritz III
St. Moritz St. Moritz

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